Sunday, October 04, 2009

You'll Find A Way

Uncertainty befalls a thousand times,
anguish and agony are always there.
It's just a second you sense a mirth,
then in a flash you feel you're lost.
A whisper soft from your dusky lips,
where is everybody?

When those you trusted look queer,
and those you knew sound whimsical,
loneliness and voidness strike in a trice,
devastating each heart however strong,
denigrating a character however firm.

But wait, is there anyone so big-hearted,
so indulgent to face a stubbornness?
You know not the edges of your heart,
and neither the bearing of your faith.
Sometimes we wished for other's glee,
but forgot to soothe the spirit within.

If one day you wake up so confused,
don't ever think you walk on your own.
There is always everybody around.
There is always a way to go through life.
Since all you hear and feel that day,
are the angels to hold you sound ever.

From now on adhere to your valour.
Don't ever run away from hateful visage,
don't even think what you have to say.
Remember your trusty unseen guardians,
who are at your side standing up for you,
holding your hand to keep you straight.
Just stay daring, and you'll find a way.