Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just Go Home...

One after the other,
a friend is leaving.
It always feels odd,
if you suddenly miss,
the smile so much caring,
the placid rub on your hand,
that dreamy voice heart-warming.

For it is not about no trust.
Since we too all have to leave.
But you will notice this at times,
if one's way just goes wrong,
you will be left lame and numb,
while your scream will be muted,
and your hand can't even reach.

Why would one forsake one's heart,
and pick a path that's just not right?
Why would you choose your own delight,
if that will clearly ruin your life?
And how could one feel so gleeful,
if life is a lie and a masquerade?

Look at your friends praying for you.
Listen to those calling your name.
Feel in your heart their empathy.
And don't just say 'Leave me alone'.
There's no such thing as your own joy,
for you and I are not alone,
and Life is grander than you think.

If only rain can bring you home,
we'll wait for you with open hands,
to give you peace you wished so long,
to see your smile without the angst.
You're wholly free to read this rhyme,
to hear the voice you only trust,
then just go home to your true soul.

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